Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Medical University of South Carolina
Cancer Control Program
Hollings Cancer Center
Medical University of South Carolina
Clinical Analytics and Decision Science (CADS) Lab
Contact Information
86 Jonathan Lucas Street, HO 325
Charleston, SC 29424
Email: deshmukha@musc.edu

Janice Davis Gordon Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow in Decision Science, Cancer Prevention Research Training Program/Health Services Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas, USA
PhD, Public Health / Health Economics, UTHealth School of Public Health, Houston, Texas
MPH, Health Policy and Management, Texas A&M School of Public Health, College Station, Texas
BS, Pharmacy, Pune University, Nashik, India
Outstanding reviewer of 2021, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2022
Plenary Speaker, 18th International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS, National Cancer Institute. (Topic: Anal cancer: Epidemiology, Contribution of HIV, and Modeling to Guide Cost-effectiveness of Screening), 2021
Research Mentor-Mentee Award for 2021 (Dr. David R. Lairson [Mentor]). UTHealth School of Public Health
Outstanding reviewer from 2020, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2021
Publication (Deshmukh et al. JNCI. 2019) featured in the NCI’s Cancer Current Blog: Anal Cancer Incidence and Deaths Are Rising in the United States. 2019
Publication (Deshmukh et al. JNCI. 2019): Fourth most shared JNCI article of 2019; Also, selected as the Editor’s Choice study. 2019
Plenary Speaker, 17th International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS, National Cancer Institute. Lister Hill Center Auditorium, National Library of Medicine, NIH (Topic: Recent Trends in Anal Cancer Incidence: Implications for Prevention Using Disease Simulation Modeling). 2019
The Thomas H. and Mayme P. Scott Fellowship in Cancer Research for 2016, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. 2016
Outstanding Postdoctoral Trainee in Cancer Prevention, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. 2016
Lee B. Lusted best student presentation award in Health Services, Outcomes and Policy Research, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, St. Louis, MO, 2015
Finalist, Lee B. Lusted best student presentation award in Applied Health Economics, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, St. Louis, MO, 2015
Finalist, Lee B. Lusted best student presentation award in Applied Health Economics, The 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Miami, FL, 2014
Second prize, ISPOR Quiz Competition, ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2013
Competitive academic scholarship, UTHealth School of Public Health, Houston, TX. 2011
Fred W. Dollar competitive academic scholarship, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 2010
PHD 3998 Decision Analysis in Public Health and Medicine
PH 3999 Scientific Writing*
PH 3999 Cancer Microsimulation Modeling* ​
Selected Publications
Sonawane K, Borse KN, Jefferson M, Damgacioglu H, Carpenter MJ, Pearce JL, Ogretmen B, Paczesny S, O’Bryan J, Obeid JS, Ford ME, Deshmukh AA. Developing Catchment Area Data Dashboards for Cancer Centers: A Stakeholder -engaged Approach. Preventive Oncology and Epidemiology. In Press.
Ortiz AP, Torres-Cintrón CR, Santiago-Rodríguez EJ, Ramos-Cartagena JM, Suárez Ramos T, Damgacioglu H, Colón-López V, Ortiz-Ortiz, DrPH KJ, Deshmukh AA. Recent cervical cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, and mortality trends in Puerto Rico, 2001- 2019. BMC Medicine. In Press.
Garg A, Damgacioglu H, Sigel K, Nyitray AG, Clifford GM, Curran T, Lazenby G, Meissner EG, Sterba K, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA. Future Patterns in Burden and Incidence of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anus in the United States, 2001-2035. J Natl Cancer Inst. In Press.
Deshmukh AA, Lin Y‡, Damgacioglu H‡, Shiels M, Coburn SB, Lang R, Althoff K, Moore R, Silverberg M, Nyitray AG, Chhatwal J, Sonawane K, Sigel K. Recent and Projected Incidence Trends and Risk of Anal Cancer among People with HIV in North America. J Natl Cancer Inst. In Press.
Sonawane K, Zhu Y, Damgacioglu H‡, Garg A‡, Graboyes EM, Montealegre J, Brownstein NC, Ford ME, Roberts JR, Sterba K, Giuliano A, Deshmukh AA. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Intentions Among Socioeconomically Advantaged versus Deprived: Findings from a Nationwide Survey. Lancet Regional Health—Americas. In Press.
Amboree TL‡, Montealegre JR, Parker SL, Garg A, Damgacioglu H, Schmeler KM, Chiao EY, Hill E, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA, Adsul P. Nationwide Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening coverage in Federally Qualified Health Centers. JAMA Internal Medicine. In Press.
Sonawane K*, Garg A*‡, Meissner E, Damgacioglu H, Hill E, Nyitray AG, Deshmukh AA. HPV Vaccination Among Young Adults Before and During the COVID -19 Pandemic and by Sociodemographics and Sexual Orientation. JAMA Network Open. In Press. [*authors with equal contribution]
Burus T, Damgacioglu H, Huang B, Christian J, Hull P, Ellis A, Arnold SM , Deshmukh AA, Lang Kuhs K. Recent and Projected Trends in Oral Tongue Cancer in the United States: A Demographic Shift in Case Burden as Early Onset Increases Among Females Subside. JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery. In Press.
Nyitray AG, McAuliffe TL, Liebert C, Swartz MD, Deshmukh AA, Chiao EY, Weaver L, Almirol E, Kerman J, Schneider JA, Wilkerson M, Hwang LY, Smith D, Hazra A, and The Prevent Anal Cancer Palpation Study Team. The accuracy of anal self - and companion exams among sexual minority men and transgender women: The Prevent Anal Cancer Palpation Study. Lancet Regional Health – Americas. In Press.
Amboree T‡, Damgacioglu H‡, Sonawane K, Adsul P, Montealegre J*, Deshmukh AA*. Recent trends in cervical cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, and incidence-based mortality according to county-level income in the USA, 2000-2019. International Journal of Cancer. 2024. Epub ahead of print. [*authors with equal contribution]
Stier EA, Clarke M*, Deshmukh AA*, Wentzensen N, Liu Y, Poynten IM, Cavallari EN, Fink V, Barroso L, Clifford G, Cuming T, Goldstone S, Hillman R, Rosa -Cunha I, La Rosa L, Palefsky J, Plotzker R, Roberts JM, Jay N. International Anal Neoplasia Society’s Consensus Guidelines for Anal Cancer Screening. International Journal of Cancer. 2024.
Epub ahead of print. [*authors with equal contribution] -
Garg A‡, Nyitray AG, Roberts JR, Diaz V, Shungu N, Ruggiero KJ, Chandler J, Damgacioglu H, Yenan Y, Brownstein N, Sterba K, Deshmukh AA, Sonawane K. Consumption of health-related videos and HPV awareness among urban and rural adults: Analysis of a national survey and YouTube®. JMIR. 2024. Epub ahead of print.
Damgacioglu H‡, Burus T, Sonawane K, Hill E, Lang Kuhs K, Deshmukh AA. County-level Trends in cervical cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, and mortality in Kentucky. JAMA Network Open. 2024. Epub ahead of print.
Parker SL, Amboree TL, Bulsara S, Daheri M, Anderson ML, Hilsenbeck SG, Jibaja -Weiss ML, Zare M, Schmeler K, Deshmukh AA, Chiao EY, Scheurer ME, Montealegre JR. Acceptability and experiences of self-sample human papillomavirus (HPV) testing for cervical cancer screening among under screened Women in a U.S. Safety Net Health
System. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2023.. -
Stier EA, Jain M, Joshi H, Darragh TM, Deshmukh AA, Lee J, Einstein MH, Jay N, Berry-Lawhorn JM, Palefsky JM, Wilkin T, Ellsworth G, French AL, Barroso LF, Levine R, Guiot HM, Rezaei K, Chiao EY. Two-Year Incidence and Cumulative Risk and Predictors of Anal High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (anal precancer) amo ng Women with HIV. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2023. Epub ahead of print.
Cruz G, Ramos-Cartagena JM, Torres-Russe JL, Colón-López V, Ortiz-Ortiz KJ, Pericchi L, Deshmukh AA, Ortiz AP. Barriers and Facilitators to Anal Cancer Screening Among People Living with HIV in Puerto Rico. BMC Public Health. 2023.
Parker S; Deshmukh AA; Chen B; Lairson D; Daheri M; Vernon S; Montealegre JR. Perceive barriers to cervical cancer screening and motivators for at-home human papillomavirus self-sampling during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a telephone survey. eLife. 2023.
Ramos-Cartagena JM, Keller K, Guiot HM, Muñoz C, Colón-López V, Deshmukh AA, Tirado-Gómez M, Ortiz AP. Evaluating the performance of anal cytology and high-risk human papillomavirus genotyping for detecting anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in a clinic-based sample of people living with and without HIV in Puerto Rico. Cancer Cytopathology. 2023.
Nyitray AG, Nitkowski J, McAuliffe TL, Brzezinski B, Swartz MD, Fernandez ME, Deshmukh AA, Ridolfi TJ, Lundeen SJ, Cockerham L, Wenten D, Petroll A, Hilgeman B, Smith JS, Chiao EY, Giuliano AR, Schick V, The Prevent Anal Cancer Self Swab Study Team. A randomized trial of home-based self-sampling vs clinician sampling for anal precancer screening: The Prevent Anal Cancer (PAC) Self-Swab Study. International Journal of Cancer. 2023.
Deshmukh AA*, Damgacioglu H*‡, Sonawane K, Georges D, Clifford GM. Human papillomavirus-associated anal cancer incidence and burden among US men, according to sexual orientation, HIV status, and age. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2023. [*authors with equal contribution]
Nyitray AG, Ridolfi TJ, Petroll AE, Nitkowski J, McAuliffe TL, Fernandez ME, Deshmukh AA, Giuliano AR, Chiao EY, and The Prevent Anal Cancer Self-Swab Study Team. Digital anal rectal examination utilization among individuals at increased risk for anal cancer. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2023.
Masurkar PP‡, Damgacioglu H, Deshmukh AA, Trivedi M. Cost-Effectiveness of CDK4/6 inhibitors in the First-Line Treatment of HR+/HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women in the United States. Pharmacoeconomics. 2023.
Peña MT‡, Lindsay JA, Li, R, Deshmukh AA, Swint JM, Morgan RO. Telemental Health Use Is Associated With Lower Health Care Spending Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Major Depression. Medical Care. 2023.
Zhu Y‡, Lin Y‡, He C‡, Lairson D, Li R, Deshmukh AA, Sonawane K. Reimbursement for HPV vaccine cost in the private sector: A comparison across specialties. Annals of Family Medicine. 2023.
Sonawane K‡, Shyu SS‡, Damgacioglu H, Li R, Nyitray AG, Deshmukh AA. Prevalence and concordance of oral and genital HPV by sexual orientation among US men. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2023.
Damgacioglu H‡, Lin YY‡, Ortiz AP, Wu C, Shahmoradi Z‡, Shyu S‡, Li R, Nyitray AG, Sigel K, Clifford GM, Jay N, Colon Lopez V, Barnell GM, Chiao EY, Stier EA, Ortiz-Ortiz K, Ramos- Cartagena J, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA. State variation in squamous cell carcinoma of the anus incidence and mortality, and association with HIV/AIDS and smoking in the United States. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2023.
Deshmukh AA*, Damgacioglu H*‡, Georges D, Sonawane K, Ferlay J, Bray F, Clifford GM. Global burden of HPV-attributable squamous cell carcinoma of the anus in 2020, according to sex and HIV status: a worldwide analysis. International Journal of Cancer. 2023. [*authors with equal contribution]
Soto-Salgado M, Suárez E, Viera-Rojas TD, Pericchi LR, Ramos-Cartagena J, Deshmukh AA, Tirado M, Ortiz A. Development and validation of a multivariablerisk prediction model for anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in persons living with HIV in Puerto Rico: A cross-sectional study. Lancet Regional Health—Americas. 2023.
Damgacioglu H‡, Wu C‡, Lin Y‡, Ortiz AP, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA. Contemporary Patterns in
HPV-associated Cancer Incidence among Young US Men. J Gen Intern Med. 2023. -
Gómez-Vargas V‡, Ortiz-Ortiz KJ, Almodóvar-Rivera I, Torres-Cintrón CR, Deshmukh AA. Ortiz-Martínez AP. Screening History and Survival Among Women With Cervical Cancer in Puerto Rico. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2023.
Shahmoradi Z‡, Damgacioglu H‡, Clarke M, Wentzensen N, Montealegre J, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA. Cervical cancer incidence among US women, 2001-2019. JAMA. 2022.
Shahmoradi Z‡, Damgacioglu H‡, Montealegre J, Sigel K, Chiao EY, Sonawane K, Deshmukh AA. Prevalence of human papillomavirus infection among US women born in the 1980s and 1990s. JAMA Health Forum. 2022.
Clarke MA, Deshmukh AA, Suk R, Roberts J, Jay N, Stier EA, Wentzensen N. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cytology and HPV-related Biomarkers for Anal Cancer Screening Among Different Risk Groups. International Journal of Cancer. 2022.